Upload file and share the link with your friends - QuickShare

Upload file and share the link with your friends - QuickShare


2 min read

A platform to upload a file and share the link with your friends or add it to your blog so, anyone can easily download the file from the link. I called it "QuickShare".

I started working on this project this month for the hackathon. I just completed all the parts left with hosting the application.

Let's see what tech-stack is used to build it

  1. React Js ( Frontend Framework )
  2. TailwindCSS (Styling the components )
  3. AWS Amplify ( Backend Service )

Let's see how I used Amplify for my Backend


  1. For authentication I used google OAuth which is provided by amplify
  2. For storing the user data I used datastore which is provided by amplify
  3. For storing the files I used s3 which is directly connected to amplify

Let's see the screenshots of the project

1.Landing Page landing.png

2.Authentication Page auth.png

3.Home Page


4.Create Project Page


5.Project Page


6.Preview Project Page


Dependencies for hosting

I just received a mail from aws-free-tier. Your AWS account xxxxxxxxx has exceeded 85% of the usage limit for one or more AWS Free Tier-eligible services for the month of September for S3.

So, I can't host my application. If you want to know how the application will works. Watch the below video ๐Ÿ‘‡

Let's see the demo of the project

Project Source Code

GitHub link: github.com/lmas3009/quickshare

Let's contribute to this project

This project is open source and anyone can contribute to this project.


QuickShare: upload the file and share the link with your friends. This may help developers to download files more quickly.

Thanks for reading the article.

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